On any given day the media is rife with the latest self-help suggestions for women. The newest rules about the use of makeup for a given age group. Examples of age-appropriate clothing and the rules to follow. I once engaged in keyboard volleyball with someone who was offended by a photo of a long-sleeved shirt. (I own the item in question.) Women are told what to think about themselves. We are told what men think about us, based on what we wear. Numerous suggestions are given about how to improve a man’s opinion. Often these suggestions are contrary to one another. Show some skin. Cover up everything. Wear bright colors. Wear neutrals. Be empowered. Show some strength. Enjoy being invisible. So many rules. It’s exhausting. Advertising exists to sell products. I enjoy shopping so that works. However, we as women are individuals. We each have the right, and even an obligation to ourselves to decide what clothing and/or makeup works for us because in the grand scheme of life that’s all that matters.

Felicia L. Nichols (Luckysnoop370z)

Underestimate me; That'll be fun. "Attitude is the difference between being a victim or a survivor. Happiness is a choice." Felicia L. Nichols